Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
The Sugar Appears Miraculously on the Table
Revelation of Our Lord Jesus to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia on December 17, 2023

Today, I had lunch with my friends. A paper lunch bag lay in the middle of the table, with the edge closest to me slightly raised. Catching my attention, I saw some sugar in the shape of some writing underneath the raised edge of the paper bag. It just appeared there.
As I lifted the paper bag to take a closer look, I saw a pattern made from the sugar.
When I saw it, I felt in my heart it was something mysterious, beautifully formed. I thought to myself, ‘This is writing!’
Sugar represents sweetness. Something beautiful.
Our Lord made me understand from this that the first, very thin line represents the year 2023, which is almost over. Part of the world is already in turmoil.
Then, the next two thicker lines represent the following two years, which will be very difficult years. There will be changes that will happen gradually, but we know that our Lord is with us, and we have to endure and be close to Him. He will embrace us and protect us. We should be in a State of Grace, and we must always pray so that the devil will not have so much power over us.
After the third year, the extended curved ‘sugar line’ represents entering the New Era, when our Lord will reign on earth. There will be no more evil.
At the table, there were only two sachets of sugar—one was unused and still sealed, and the other was used entirely by me in my coffee. The sugar on the table miraculously appeared in the form of writing.
Later, my friend had her laptop on the table as I was dictating a message to her for typing. The ‘sugar writing’ on the table was between the two of us. As she was typing the message, her laptop slowly slid to the right, edging closer to the ‘sugar’ that had miraculously appeared on the table.
Lord Jesus smiled and jokingly said to me, “Tell her, a little more, and she will push the computer too far, and she will dismiss My writing!”
Lord Jesus confirms that this is from Him and is His writing. He was between myself and my friend.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your holy revelation.
Source: ➥